AI-Generated music

What Should AI Mean to You as a Songwriter?

If you’re a songwriter and you’ve been paying attention to how AI has been impacting the world of music, you’re probably feeling more than a bit of anxiety. Things are changing quickly, and I think it’s definitely not an exaggeration to say that today’s AI generated songs and performances can fool a lot of (and […]


Using the Range of Your Melody to Create Musical Energy

For those who don’t create (write or perform) songs, they’d probably have a simple answer to how you generate musical energy: turn up the volume! But if you’ve been a musician for a while, whether that’s writing songs, or being involved in producing or playing them, you likely know that there’s a lot more you […]

Tuning a guitar

Don’t Ignore Your Playing When You’re Concentrating On Songwriting

Trying to get a handle on writing song lyrics? Discover the benefits of making a lyrics-first method your new go-to process with”Use Your Words! Developing a Lyrics-First Songwriting Process. It’s FREE right now when you purchase the 10-eBook Bundle. If you find yourself needing to write a lot of songs in a short period of time, it […]

Guitarist - Songwriter - Lyricist

Here’s An Easy Way to Make Sure Your Lyrics Are Working the Way They’re Supposed To

Every time you write a song, you’re communicating something to your audience. When we think of that word communicating, we automatically think of lyrics, because communication and words go hand in hand. But in good songwriting, everything you write plays a role in communicating. For example, if you want to write a nostalgic song, you need nostalgic lyrics, […]

Audience at a rock concert

Why Playing Live Music is an Important Part of Improving Songwriting Skills

You are likely aware of the term “confirmation bias”. It describes this feeling we have to accept the facts that support or confirm a position we might take on an issue, and we reject facts that seem to challenge that position. We experience confirmation bias in practically every aspect of our normal lives, whether we’re […]

Studio microphone

What Music Does to the Power of Your Words

It never ceases to amaze me how music can add so much depth and meaning to the words you use. Or sometimes even without words the music itself can strike deep into the emotional core of the listener. A good example of that can be seen in this video… it shows the opening scene of […]