Band rehearsal

Why Songs Usually Need a Powerful Moment

A hook – that short, catchy, memorable moment – is an important feature of many hit songs. Hooks don’t just show up in pop music; classical music also makes use of hooks. But classical composers are far less likely to discuss it or consider it a make-or-break element within their music. That’s because classical works are often […]

String section from a symphony orchestra

Life’s Most Important Musical Experiences

Yesterday I was in rehearsal with Symphony Nova Scotia for a pair of concerts I’m conducting today. It’s a particularly fun concert – for young children – and it gives the kids a chance to do something that most people never get to do: to play with a symphony orchestra. The concert is based on a […]

Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody

The Power and Danger of Musical Innovation

There is a reason why treating the principles of good songwriting as if they were rules is a bad idea: you might inadvertently kill a good song. If good musical composition were guided by rules, many number 1 hits would likely have been tossed into the trash bin due to the fact that they did something […]


To Be a Songwriter, These 5 Statements Need To Be True

Do you struggle with the same songwriting issues time and time again? The answer may be at “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” online store. I occasionally make the following statement when I think people might be listening: You cannot learn to be a songwriter. You can only learn to be a better songwriter. I say […]

Songwriter - guitarist

What Inspiration Means to a Songwriter

There are commonly-used words in the music world that have several meanings, depending on who’s using the word, and the context in which the word is being used. For example, you’ll find that the word “hook” can mean a short, catchy bit of music, but it also might mean an entire chorus — depending on who’s talking, and on […]

Synthesizer keyboard - songwriting

Why Saving Failed Songs Is So Important

It may seem illogical to save bits of songs that you’ve determined are failures. After all, if you’re trying to write a song and it’s not working out, surely that means that the ideas you’re creating are simply bad ones, and you should toss them and try new ideas. It really depends on what you […]