Turning an Idea Into a Song

Once you’ve thought of an idea for a song, how do you develop it into a complete musical journey? Looking for good songwriting content for your iPad, Kindle, laptop, desktop, or other PDF-reading device? Gary Ewer’s eBook Bundle, “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting”, will show you why good songs are good, and how to apply […]

Lorde - Royals

The Secret to Writing a Great Song Verse

A good verse is vital to a song’s success. These days, a listener might not wait until the chorus. ______________ Take your songwriting to a new level of excellence. Check out “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” eBook Bundle packages, written by Gary Ewer. Get today’s DISCOUNT PRICE. Read more.. ______________ The tricky thing about pop songs is that […]

Angel Olsen - Hi-Five

Figuring Out Why The Songs You Love Are So Compelling

Discovering why you like a song is a great first step to improving your own songwriting technique. Looking for good songwriting content for your iPad, Kindle, laptop, desktop, or other PDF-reading device? Gary Ewer’s eBook Bundles will show you why good songs are good, and how to apply those lessons to your own music. Get the […]

Creating Chords and Melodies At the Same Time

Here’s a procedure for writing songs by creating the melodies and chords simultaneously. _____________ “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 10-eBook Bundle is written by Gary Ewer, designed to straighten out your technique and get you writing better songs. ______________________ Successful chord progressions usually follow a predictable formula, but melodies need to be unique. Therefore, you could argue that […]

8 Questions and Answers On Writing Song Hooks

Hooks can be important contributors to good song structure. Here are 8 commonly-asked questions about hooks. As you know, a song hook is any catchy bit that represents the most memorable part of a song. It’s often found in the chorus (“Born in the U.S.A.”), but can also be a song’s intro which then keeps […]

Mixing Major and Minor Chords to Create Powerful Song Progressions

Here are 5 chord progressions that successfully blend major and minor chords and strengthen the relationship between verse and chorus. “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 10-eBook Bundle (plus a FREE copy of “Creative Chord Progressions”) is written by Gary Ewer, designed to straighten out your technique and get you writing better songs. All songwriters know that most song progressions […]