Verse-Only Songs and the Contrast Principle

Providing contrast in songs that feature a verse melody only – here’s how that’s done. ____________________ Check out “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle. Learn how a lack of form will kill any song. ____________________ When your song follows a verse-chorus format (including the optional use of pre-chorus, bridge, or other miscellaneous sections), what’s really […]

How to Be Innovative Without Scaring Your Audience Away

Innovation will make your music unique, but could negatively impact your audience base. ____________________ Every songwriter I know wants to stand out from the rest. While it’s important to be able to be innovative, and present music to the world that sounds unique and fresh, there’s always a danger that being innovative will scare listeners […]

Swapping the IV-Chord For a ii-Chord

Switching one chord for another – done most easily when both chords belong to the same class. ____________________ Check out “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle. Learn to write songs daily, even when inspiration seems lacking. ____________________ The Eagles’ first hit single, “Take It Easy“, nicely demonstrates how replacing one chord with another can subtly […]

Getting a Song’s Foreground and Background In Proper Balance

When too many ideas are vying for attention, the result can be musical chaos. ____________________ Read more about how “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle can make you a top-level songwriter. ____________________ There’s a good reason why most of the walls in your house are off-white. Pale, featureless walls provide the perfect backdrop for […]

A 250-Year-Old Music Lesson for Songwriters

Much of what songwriters do today was established at least 250 years ago in the composition of opera. ____________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, – the complete songwriting package thousands of songwriters are using every day. _____________ I mention quite often on this blog the importance of individual song elements progressing as a song […]

7 Tips For Making Better Use of Chord Progression Charts

Like anything in music, chord progression charts still require you to use some imagination. Once in a while, all you really want are some chord progressions that can get you going right away in the songwriting process. For this reason, many of you have collections of chord progressions that you keep nearby as you work […]