5 Tips for Making Melodies More Memorable

The memorability of a song depends on a strong melody coupled with a good lyric. Here are 5 tips that will help. It’s the dream of every songwriter to write a tune that becomes part of the world’s musical culture. By that I mean a song that can be hummed or sung by almost anybody […]

Simple Rewording Exercises to Improve Your Song Lyrics

Simple rewording exercises can help keep your songs off the “worst of” lists. ________________ You could make a case for saying that good lyrics are more important than good melodies or chords. That’s because when someone hears a bad melody, they react by ignoring the song, while when they hear a bad lyric, they react […]

Making 2013 Your Songwriting Break-Out Year

With a few changes to your normal routine, you may find 2013 to be the best year ever! ____________________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle – Powerful and Effective songwriting instruction. ____________________ You may not be the kind of person who makes New Year’s resolutions, but consider this: if you struggle to get attention […]

For Song Chord Choices, Try Minor in the Verse, Major in the Chorus

Moving from minor to major gives a very natural energy boost to your music. ____________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and build your audience base! _____________ Practically all songs you’ll hear today are in a key, which means that the chord progression points to one particular chord as giving a sense of “home”. Once you know […]

Got a Great Hook… But What Now?

Coming up with a good hook probably isn’t the toughest part of songwriting. Knowing what to do next is. ____________________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle – Powerful and Effective songwriting instruction. ____________________ Especially in the world of pop songwriting, hooks can be very important. There are a few reasons for this: Pop songs […]

Where to Place a Climactic Moment in a Song Melody

A climactic moment makes music memorable, and adds energy and excitement. _______________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and build your audience base! _______________ Songs usually have several so-called climactic moments, but the moment that usually counts as the most significant is the one that happens in the chorus. In a way, a […]