Justin Vernon - Bon Iver - 22, A Million

Turning Your Poems Into Song Lyrics

Have you ever had the experience of feeling that you write pretty good poetry, but every time you try to come up with a melody and chords that makes it sound like a good song lyric, it just doesn’t work? There are any number of reasons why that might be happening. Here are some possible ones: […]

How Imagery Empowers Song Lyrics

Properly applied, imagery will make your lyrics more powerful and more memorable. Here’s how. _______________ Get the songwriting ebook package that thousands of songwriters are now using to take their music to its highest level of excellence. “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 10-eBook Bundle comes with a special deal. Read more.. ________________ Imagery means to use words and […]

Melodies Aren't Just Notes Following Notes – They're Shapes

Audiences hear and remember shapes, not actual pitches. ____________ “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle comes with this FREE eBOOK: “From Amateur to Ace: Writing Songs Like a Pro”. _____________ It’s better to think of good song melodies as being a collection of melodic shapes, rather than just a line that spins outward from a starting point. […]

Creating Word Lists: Helps You Write Better Lyrics

Word lists help keep your mind focused as you work on your song’s lyric. ____________________ Read more about how “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle can make you a top-level songwriter. ____________________ One of my favourite suggestions for songwriters who are trying to develop a lyric (once you’ve chosen a song topic) is to create […]

Doing Interesting Things With Time Signatures and Phrase Lengths

Written by Gary Ewer, from “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” website Follow Gary on Twitter It doesn’t take much to make a song appear to be much deeper than it really is. It just takes doing little things that are just a touch out of the ordinary. Changing the time signature is one easy way […]