Guitarist - Songwriter

Forcing Yourself to Write: When That Works and When It Doesn’t

If you’re someone who keeps running into creative roadblocks every time you sit down to write, it’s a fair question to ask: Are you helping or harming your creative process if you force yourself to write? The best answer is that it depends on what is causing the ideas to dry up. And there are many reasons for […]

Making the Best Use of Your Limited Time

This is the time of year that many songwriters are heading back to school. Whether you’re a student or a teacher, you’re likely discovering (or are about to discover) that the amount of time you have to write music is becoming increasingly hard to find. Are there any tricks for managing your limited time? Or must songwriters simply get […]

Guitar and music paper

How To Increase Your Songwriting Output

It’s important not to equate quantity with quality when it comes to anything. It’s true that we look with some reverence at the songwriters who have churned out hundreds of songs. But I think (at least I hope we think) that just because someone has written hundreds of songs, we haven’t really said anything with […]

Frustrated songwriter

When Writers Block Isn’t Really Writer’s Block

Get “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” Deluxe eBook Bundle. Ten eBooks that describe every aspect of how to get your songs sounding better. Read more. Follow Gary on Twitter Are you stuck, creatively? Everything you try to write just turns into garbage within 2 minutes? It may seem strange to say this, but you might not be […]

Juggling Songwriting With Your Work or School

Creating a songwriting schedule is the best way to keep writer’s block from hitting. Depending on who you are, songwriting is either a profession, a hobby, or somewhere in-between. For the “somewhere in-between” group, it can be tricky to get the balance right. You’ve got your job or your schooling to consider, but you may […]

The Power of Scheduling Your Songwriting Activities

Get the songwriting manuals that thousands of songwriters are using. “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” eBook Bundle will improve your songwriting technique. Find out how: Learn more.. ___________ Most songwriters rely on their instincts as an important contributor to the songwriting process. How they write, when they write, even why they write… for many, it’s all governed by – even dictated by – […]