Bob Dylan

How Lyric Writing is Always Storytelling, On Some Level

You’re familiar with the genre of the “story song”, where the lyric amounts to “first this happened, then that happened.” But I’d like to make the case that, in a sense, all songs are story songs, where the lyric always works best if it creates a mini movie in the mind of the listener. “Best […]

Songwriting tools for lyricists

Songwriting and Finding the Story

One of the biggest differences between writing a song and writing a book is the number of words you’ll use. A novel might use 80,000 or more words to describe a story, but with a song lyric you really only get a tiny fraction of that; maybe 100 words or so. So with novels, the […]

Focusing Your Lyrics: Try Writing a Short Essay

Writing a short story on your song’s topic is a great intermediate step for writing a good lyric. _______________________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 eBook Bundle, and get “From Amateur to Ace: Writing Songs Like a Pro” free. Read more.. _______________________ Follow Gary Ewer on Twitter One common complaint of songwriters, especially those new to […]