Guitar and paper - Songwriting

How Your Song’s Melody Can Add Meaning To Your Lyrics

I recently wrote an article for SongBay that discussed ways in which the chords you choose can work hand-in-hand with your lyrics, and actually enhance their meaning. Getting words and chords working together makes for a more meaningful experience for your audience. Along the same lines, there are things you can be doing as you […]

How To Control the Emotional Power of Your Songs

Even if a song is supposed to be “emotional”, it works best if the emotional levels move up and down. ____________ Are you practicing your songwriting, or just reinforcing the same mistakes? “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” shows you every aspect of what makes a great song great. ____________ One way you know that your songs are working […]

How to Put Chords Together in a Progression, Part 1

Most songwriters can tell you what a chord is, and may even be able to tell you that there are 7 chords that naturally occur in any major key. But when it comes to understanding how they work together, and why some chords sound great together while others sound lousy — that’s more of a mystery […]

5 Elements That Contribute To a Song’s Overall Feel

Establishing a song’s “feel” is not just the job of the drums. In fact, at least 5 different elements interact to create an overall feel. _______________ Thousands of songwriters are now using “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” eBook Bundle to improve their technique. It comes with an 11th free eBook, “Creative Chord Progressions“. Read more.. ________________ The groove or feel of […]

All the Rowboats - Regina Spektor

Songwriting: Hooks Made of Motifs

Check out Gary’s book, “Beating Songwriter’s Block – Jump-Start Your Words and Music”, published by Backbeat Books (Hal Leonard). Here’s an interesting thought that Yuri, a reader of this blog, suggested to me. Is it possible to have a song hook that’s comprised of motifs? The answer is yes, and it provides a song that’s got […]

Improve a Song By Adding a Good Bridge Section

A song’s bridge should provide good contrast to a song chorus. _______________ Written by Gary Ewer, author of “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-ebook Bundle. _______________ The bridge of a song, which typically happens after the second chorus, has several benefits that are immediately obvious: It offers a third melody for listeners, helping to solve the boredom […]