How Tempo Affects Your Song's Melodies

Great songs SELL! – Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 e-book bundle and START WRITING GREAT SONGS! __________________ Following guidelines as you write songs can help you keep on track, and minimize the possibility of your song “failing.” But truth be told, it’s hard to come up with rules and regulations that guarantee the success of a […]

The Tonic Note's New Place in the Chorus

Get FANTASTIC RESULTS! – Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 e-book bundle and START WRITING GREAT SONGS! __________________ It’s a commonly-known songwriting principle that the tonic note – the note representing the key of your song – should occur more often in the chorus melody than in any other part of your song. This will probably happen […]

Song Energy is Like the Stock Market – Up and Down

Get FANTASTIC RESULTS! – Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 e-book bundle and START WRITING GREAT SONGS! __________________ Song energy is at once a simple and complex concept. Simple, in the sense that it’s what gets your foot tapping and your body moving. Complex, in the sense that every component of a song, the obvious to the […]

Good Melodies Usually Come With Chords Implied

It may feel natural to some to consider that once you’ve created a melody that you really like, your job is to set about finding chords to harmonize it. But in reality, most good melodies already imply the chords that make that melody work. Another way of saying this is: good melodic structure strongly hints […]

Nice Song, But Where Are the "Hooky Bits?"

Get FANTASTIC RESULTS! – Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 e-book bundle and START WRITING GREAT SONGS! __________________ A discussion on songwriting usually centers on the usual suspects of song structure, melodic shape, chord progression, and getting all those things to work together properly. Lately, however, I’ve found my mind focusing on the part of songwriting that […]

Good Key Changes that Startle the Listener

Your songs missing something? Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 e-book bundle, and get back to writing great songs! _______________________ If you know Derek and the Dominos’ “Layla”, you know that it contains a key change between the chorus and verse that comes out of left field and surprises the listener. After all, you’d […]