Five Ways to Give Your Songs Forward Motion

Your songs missing something? Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 e-book bundle, and get back to writing great songs! _______________________ Forward motion, otherwise known as momentum, is best defined by the effect it has on the listener: it makes it easy for listeners to keep listening, and makes it hard for them to turn […]

How to Glue Your Song Together

Get FANTASTIC RESULTS! – Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 e-book bundle and START WRITING GREAT SONGS! Sometimes you listen to a song, and it’s totally impressive how it just flows! It sounds like it’s taking you on a musical journey that makes total sense! The energy build is working, and everything sounds perfect. Those are the […]

How Do I Know if My Song's Structure is Working?

You can write a lot of songs without even thinking about “structure.” But if you’re not at least giving a passing thought to how the various elements your music are organized, you could be unintentionally confusing listeners, and ultimately turning them off. Structure, also known as form, governs everything from the overall formal plan (verse, […]

What You Need to Know Before Writing Your Next Melody

Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-book bundle, and learn to write better songs! We usually think of good melodies as having a distinctive shape and a climactic high point. It may surprise you to know, however, that it’s possible to have melodies that use very few notes, almost no distinctive contour, and seem to […]

How Important are Lyrics to the Success of a Song?

Taking a look at the lyrics of the current top hits in North America, it’s easy to conclude that lyrical quality just isn’t that important. “You think I’m pretty/ Without any make-up on/ You think I’m funny/ When I tell the punch line wrong…” are the opening lines of “Teenage Dream.” Or how about this rumination? “You know […]

Discovering and Cultivating Your Songwriting Talent

Most songwriting books and manuals make the assumption, quite understandably, that the reader is already a songwriter, and simply wants a bit of advice. But there are many people who feel that they’ve got the ideas for a song inside them, but have never known how to go about getting those ideas organized into a […]