When Improvisation is a Good Songwriting Tool

Improvisation can stimulate your creative mind and allow musical ideas to flow. _______________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and build an audience-base for your music. (Right now, save 56%) _______________ If you’re stumped for good songwriting ideas, improvising is a great way to start thinking creatively again. But improvisation, when it’s just you, […]

Songwriting Technique: 5 Ways to Create Dynamic Shapes

Change the impression of how loud your music is with these 5 ideas. __________________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and revitalize your songwriting technique! __________________ In music, we use the term “dynamics” to refer to volume (loudness). Just like most other elements that go together to produce a song, altering dynamics can […]

Writing Instrumental Music – Do the Same Principles Apply?

Without lyrics, other basic elements of song structure become more important in instrumental music. ____________________ There was a time in the not-too-distant past when instrumental music was a bit more commonplace in pop music than it is today. “Walk, Don’t Run” by the Ventures, “Wonderland By Night” by Bert Kaempfert, and “Wipe Out” by the Surfaris, […]

The Benefit of Composing Songs From the Chorus Backwards

By working backwards on a song, you’re identifying goals first, which makes songwriting a lot easier. ______________ Since songs move in one direction only, it seems logical to write the song that way: from beginning to end. You compose a verse, follow it with a chorus, then repeat that a couple of times. At that […]

What to Do About Verse 2

In the process of songwriting, many songwriters actually start with the chorus. That’s because the chorus tends to use shorter, stronger (and simpler) chord progressions, hooky melodies that use repeating ideas, and emotional lyrics. By comparison, the verse can be a bit more of a challenge. You need lyrics that describe people and/or situations, and […]

Intensifying the Impact of Key Words In Your Lyric

Give considerable thought not just to which words to use, but where you place them in your melody. _____________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-Ebook Bundle. 11 Songwriting Principles That Will Turn Your Writing Around – Guaranteed. _____________ You know that all words are not created equal; some words carry far more emotional meaning than others. It’s those […]