
Using an Open Cadence to Create Momentum in Your Songs

In songwriting, momentum is forward motion… the feeling that there’s a musical engine driving your song onward in such a way that the audience doesn’t get bored or distracted. One moment leads nicely to the next moment in a kind of musical perfection. For tangible examples of this aspect of music, you simply need only to […]

Creating Musical Ideas

Songwriting and Deepening the Pool of Ideas

Don’t miss out on a free copy of “Use Your Words! Developing a Lyrics-First Songwriting Process.” It’s free when you purchase “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting 10-eBook Bundle” Where do musical ideas come from? I like to think of ideas as coming from a well, or a pool, within our imagination, and every time we […]

Songer - Songwriter

Why I Like the Melody-First Process When Composing Music

When I’m writing original music — which is to say, composing, not arranging someone else’s tune — I practically always do some kind of melody-first method. When you hear a problem with your song, but don’t know how to solve it, you might find the answer in “Fix Your Songwriting Problems – NOW!” Get this eBook separately, […]

Carole King

Making Vocal Line Rhythm Work For You

Rhythm is a crucial part of the energy of music. When music is more rhythmically active, you feel an intensity that generates excitement, and that can be an important part of breathing life into a song. Trying to get a handle on writing song lyrics? Discover the benefits of making a lyrics-first method your new […]

Cheering Crowd

Cheering For Performances – Appreciating the Song

How long has it been since you’ve practiced songwriting? Improving your skills means studying the fundamentals and then working them, over and over. That’s what the 9-Lesson Course does for you. It’s part of “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting 10-eBook Bundle” In sports, teams compete rather fiercely during their regular season to get home field/stadium […]

Singer songwriter

Humming to Fix a Melody

The quality of a song’s melody rates pretty high when it comes to listing elements of a song that are most easily recognizable by people. It’s what we hum, so it’s important. How hummable are your song melodies? Here’s something you should try with any song for which you’ve spent any time at all working […]