Stepping and Leaping Through Song Melodies

If you think instinct is the only creative tool at your disposal, songwriting is probably hit-or-miss for you. Discovering the secrets of why hit songs have been so successful will make your own songs better. Get “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 10-eBook Bundle and become a top-level songwriter. Now with a free eBook offer. Read […]

Live Performance: a Crucial Step to Songwriting Success

Becoming excellent as a songwriter doesn’t happen by accident. It happens when songwriters discover the secrets of great songwriting structure and style. “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle shows you exactly what you need to know. Now with a 7th eBook absolutely FREE: “From Amateur to Ace: Writing Songs Like a Pro.” Read more.. ________________ I […]

How Large a Range Should a Good Melody Encompass?

Being a student of songwriting means discovering why the world’s best songs are so good, and, how to use that important info to make your own songs even better. Take a look at “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” eBook Bundle packages, and become a top-level songwriter. Read more.. ______________ Melodic range refers to the distance between the lowest […]

5 Most Important Qualities of Good Song Melodies

There is very little that’s random about good music. When songs sound great, there are usually plain and obvious reasons why. “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle shows you with clear, easy-to-understand descriptions, why songs at the top of the charts are winners. Now with a free 7th eBook. Read more.. _____________ How is it possible to identify […]

When a Song's Bridge Is – and Perhaps Isn't – Necessary

In songwriting, there’s nothing worse than feeling stuck for ideas. In a lot of cases of songwriter’s block, the culprit is not understanding basic song structure. “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle will lay out song form in a clear, easy-to-understand way, using sound samples to demonstrate. Read more.. _______________ A bridge is the section […]

Think Small, and Big Things Will Happen

Some think that if a song isn’t working, you toss it out and try something new. Wrong. You’d be shocked how close a bad song is to being something that has hit potential. All it takes, usually, is a few small tweaks and you’ve got something to be proud of. Let “The Essential Secrets of […]