What Songwriters Need To Know About Musical Cadences

A cadence happens at the end of a musical phrase, and how you end that phrase can contribute to (or stifle) musical energy. _______________  “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle will strengthen your songwriting technique, and take you to a new level of musical excellence. It comes with a 7th free eBook, “From Amateur to Ace: Writing […]

A Chart For Creating Bridge Chord Progressions

A good bridge progression is one that builds musical energy, one that finds release in the return to the chorus. _______________ Thousands of songwriters are now using “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle to improve their technique. It comes with a 7th free eBook, “From Amateur to Ace: Writing Songs Like a Pro“. Read more.. ________________ You’ve decided that […]

Rush "Clockwork Angels": "Halo Effect"

A Visual Comparison of Verse and Chorus Song Melodies

Discover the 11 secrets that pro songwriters have known for decades. “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 10-eBook DELUXE Bundle is being used by thousands of songwriters to take their music to a new level of excellence. Get today’s deal. It’s relatively easy to hear the difference between verse and chorus chord progressions. Mainly, chorus progressions are shorter and […]

5 Lydian-Mode Chord Progressions, and How They Work

A lydian chord progression has a quirky, eccentric way of grabbing attention. _____________ Discover the 11 secrets that pro songwriters have known for decades. “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” eBook Bundle packages are being used by thousands of songwriters to take their music to a new level of excellence. Get today’s Deluxe Bundle deal: Read more… ______________ The lydian modal […]

Are You a Perfectionist, or Just Constantly Unhappy?

A never-ending feeling of musical inadequacy should not be confused with perfectionism. _______________ Thousands of songwriters are now using “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” eBook Bundle to improve their technique. It comes with a free eBook, “Creative Chord Progressions“. Read more.. ________________ There is a common notion that a perfectionist is someone who is not satisfied until it’s “right”. Did you […]

Mo Kenney: "Wind Will Blow" Melodic Study

What you do with a song’s melody will often affect how the listener processes your lyrics. ______________ Thousands of songwriters are using Gary Ewer’s “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 e-Book Bundle to solve their songwriting dilemmas. Now with a 7th free eBook, “From Amateur to Ace: Writing Songs Like a Pro.”  Read More.. ______________ Mo Kenney’s new release, […]