Some Great Music Resources, All in One Short Video

Ryan Record has posted a video that displays some of his favourite songwriting resources ___________________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-ebook bundle, and start building your audience base. ___________________ Just a quick post today as I’m on the road. An online colleague of mine, Ryan Record, has posted a video online on his “Musician Launcher” […]

Why Are Verse Lyrics So Hard to Write?

The trick to writing verse lyrics: verse 2 just rewords verse 1. ___________________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-ebook bundle, and start building your audience base. ___________________ Most songwriters will tell you that chorus lyrics often happen rather easily, but it’s the cursed verse lyrics that take forever. And for some, even after spending days, […]

Is Your Song’s Melody Working? Run It Past This Checklist

If you can tell your melody isn’t working, but you don’t know why, this list will help. ___________________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-ebook bundle, and start building your audience base. ___________________ It’s often the case that the best time to analyze your music is when it’s not working. That’s because even though we know there […]

Repetition Can Work if You Change Something Each Time

Without repetition, a song would be too difficult for the average listener to remember once it’s done. _____________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and find out which songs become hits, and why they sound so good. _____________ It can really surprise you how little raw material there is in most songs. The vast majority […]

Working Diminished Chords Into Your Progressions

If you like the sound of diminished chords but don’t know how to use them, read on. Get “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 10 e-book bundle. (with a free copy of “Creative Chord Progressions”): “Gary, I just wanted to say THANK YOU for helping the untrained musician learn to understand the fundamentals of music…” Naturally-occuring diminished chords […]

Can Listening to Old Songs Help You Write New Ones?

If you only listen to today’s music, you’re listening to only a tiny percentage of music that can be helping you as a songwriter. ____________ “Your songwriting ebooks really opened my eyes to writing songs, and gave me all the songwriting info I was looking for. You can find many things on the Internet that […]