Put a Magnifying Glass On Your Songs With This Checklist

The Songwriter’s Checklist is a great way to focus in on why your songs might be missing the mark. ____________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and discover how the world’s best songs can help you improve! _____________ Every once in a while I publish my “Songwriter’s Checklist”, a way for you to really focus […]

Writing a Song Backwards: Yes, It Works

By writing from end to start, you do something crucial: You identify goals first. ____________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and discover how the world’s best songs can help you improve! _____________ If you want a good analogy for what many go through when they write a song, it’s a bit like this: stand […]

My Guest Blog Post on UJAM

Last year at some point I became acquainted with UJAM, the site that allows pretty much anybody to create music easily using their free online software. In addition to being a way to write songs, I really believe UJAM is the kind of program that can be a great compositional tool for songwriters. It takes […]

Practicing Verse and Chorus Melody Writing

This simple exercise will help solidify your understanding of verse and chorus melodic construction. __________ A couple of posts ago I wrote about why choruses sound like choruses. In that article, I mentioned important features of choruses such as strong (versus fragile) progressions, the predominance of the tonic note and chord, the higher placement of […]

Writer’s Block: Do You Have “Imposter Syndrome”?

Have that nagging feeling that you maybe aren’t a songwriter after all? Don’t let “imposter syndrome” defeat you! ____________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and discover how the world’s best songs can help you improve! _____________ When we suffer from writer’s block, we often take heart by getting advice from other songwriters. But did […]

Tips for Writing a Bridge (Middle-8) Melody

A song’s bridge gives you opportunities to explore further afield. Here are some tips for writing a bridge melody. ____________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and build your audience base. _____________ Contrast is a crucial part of the strength of a song. Pitting one musical element against another is the basic idea behind the […]