Performing Your Songs: Part of the Songwriting Process

Getting your songs out there and in front of people is not just entertainment. It’s a vital part of being a songwriter. ____________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and get back to the basics of why hit songs sell. _____________ I remember being struck by a statistic I came across years ago when I was […]

Writing Songs That Are On The Cutting Edge

Wanting your songs to be innovative and fresh is the dream of most songwriters. As long as people “sort of” get it, you’re on the right track. ____________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and get back to the basics of why hit songs sell. _____________ Innovation in songwriting is a tricky balancing act that […]

Adding a Hook to a Finished Song

Good songs don’t necessarily need to start with the hook. It is possible to write a song and add a hook later. _____________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and build your audience base, starting right now! _____________ If you ask most songwriters, they’ll tell you that for them, songwriting often starts with the […]

Successful Songwriting: Start by Identifying the Goal(s)

You wouldn’t set out on a journey without knowing where you want to end up. Songwriting is not much different. _____________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and build your audience base, starting right now! _____________ Good songwriting, like any kind of musical composition, is a mixture of working forwards and working backwards. Working […]

Why Saving Your “Failed Songs” Pays Off

If you’re not saving the bits of songs that never see the light of day, you should be. You could be tossing out hit material. ________ Over the past few years I’ve been writing almost daily articles on this blog. And if I’m ever stuck for a word, or a better way of communicating an […]

Learning From the Oldies

There’s so much we can learn from classic hits of the past. Which songs have made you the songwriter you are today? Most of the world’s greatest songwriters, when interviewed, will talk more about the music that has influenced their development than about their own offerings. One of the best ways to improve your songwriting abilities […]