Singer - songwriter at the piano

How to Avoid Getting Locked Into a Predictable Songwriting Style

Every songwriter has a style. If you’re a well-known writer, that style may be part of what makes your new song immediately identifiable to your listeners, even before they hear that you’re the one who’s written it. More often than not, however, a song’s style of performance is what will give the song’s authorship away, not […]

Rock Concert

Being Original When Everyone Wants “Same Old”

There is a tricky balancing act that is undertaken by any and every successful singer-songwriter: how to be innovative enough that audiences get to hear something fresh and new, but similar enough to your previous music that you don’t scare your fans away. It all comes from trust. Your fans learn to trust you and […]

Creating That All-Important Distinction Between Your Songs and Everyone Else’s

Are your songs innovative and fresh enough to grab attention? How you respond to these 5 questions will determine that answer. ______________ Take your songwriting to a new level of excellence. Buy “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 10-eBook Bundle, written by Gary Ewer. And get an 11th eBook FREE, “Creative Chord Progressions.” Time to become the best songwriter […]

An Idea for Moving From a Minor Verse to a Major Chorus

If you convert a minor progression to roman numerals, it’ll often work when you transpose it to a major key. ______________ Take your songwriting to a new level of excellence. Buy “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, written by Gary Ewer. And get a 7th eBook FREE, “From Amateur to Ace – Writing Songs Like a […]

Songwriting: To Collaborate or Not

“The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 e-Book Bundle is being used by thousands of songwriters to solve their songwriting dilemmas. Comes with a 7th free eBook, “From Amateur to Ace: Writing Songs Like a Pro.”  Read More.. ______________ Collaboration in the arts is a strange animal; ultimately, it may require you to compromise somewhat on your own musical ideals, […]

Predicting the Future Direction of Songwriting

Excellence is a quality that renders your ability to predict the future of music irrelevant. ___________ Take a look at “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” eBook Bundles, and become the songwriter you always thought you should be. ___________ You might think that if we could predict what direction songwriting was going, we’d have a leg-up on […]