8 Top Tips For Lyrics and Melodies

Good songwriting means creating a strong partnership between all the various elements of your song. You know you’ve got a good song when your lyrics, melodies, chords, rhythms, instrumentation/production and formal design all support each other. It’s not easy to troubleshoot a song that has problems. You can tell just by listening that something’s not […]

creating a new song melody

Writing New Song Melodies Based On Old Ones

You’d be forgiven for thinking that all the good melodies have been taken. Since most songs are tonal (i.e., they exist in a key), that means that the majority of them are comprised of seven different pitches, all arranged in different ways. It makes you wonder, how many melodies can possibly be concocted by using seven pitches? Well, […]

Entire Songs With One Chord Progression – How to Get Them Working

In the past ten years or so of pop music, it’s become much more of a thing to write hit songs that are mostly based on one single chord progression. It sounds like it would just result in music that is repetitive and boring. Or perhaps the better way to say that is: the job […]


The Seemingly Eternal Characteristics of Good Song Melodies

If you were to ask me to describe what makes a good song melody, I’d probably tell you this: On the whole, when you look at songs that have made their mark and have been held up as iconic representations of their genre, the following is usually true: They move in a mainly stepwise way. […]

Deerhunter Breaker

Creating (Mainly) Pentatonic Melodies: Deerhunter’s “Breaker”

It’s amazing how imaginative you can be using mainly pentatonic scales to create melodies. You might think that limiting yourself to 5 notes per octave means you’ve cut out a lot of possibilities, but that certainly doesn’t have to be the case. If you haven’t done so yet, you might want to give Deerhunter’s new album, […]

5 Reasons Why Melody-First Is Better Than Chords-First Songwriting

It takes getting used to, but starting songs by working out the melody has some vital benefits. ____________ Purchase Gary Ewer’s “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and become the songwriter you’ve always thought you could be! _____________ Don’t get me wrong – there’s nothing particularly wrong with strumming through some chord progressions as a first […]