Where to Place a Climactic Moment in a Song Melody

A climactic moment makes music memorable, and adds energy and excitement. _______________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle, and build your audience base! _______________ Songs usually have several so-called climactic moments, but the moment that usually counts as the most significant is the one that happens in the chorus. In a way, a […]

The Benefit of Composing Songs From the Chorus Backwards

By working backwards on a song, you’re identifying goals first, which makes songwriting a lot easier. ______________ Since songs move in one direction only, it seems logical to write the song that way: from beginning to end. You compose a verse, follow it with a chorus, then repeat that a couple of times. At that […]

Comparing Verse and Bridge Song Sections

Here are some key differences between verse and bridge sections of your song. Similar structure, but different duties. In songs that use verse-chorus formats, there’s a relatively predictable way the structure works: things tend to alternate between ambiguous and clear. When you compare verse and chorus melodies, for example, you’ll often (though not always) find […]

Creating Verse and Chorus Chord Partnerships

Songwriters need to find ways to make verse and chorus progressions sound like partners within the same song. ______________ Download “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6-eBook Bundle – It’s time to get serious about building your audience base! ______________ There’s no reason that a verse and chorus cannot use the same chord progression, and many […]

The Most Common Lyric Error in Songwriting

Balancing descriptive words with emotional ones is a matter of focus. _______________ A good lyric is usually structured in such a way that it alternates between being a) mainly descriptive, and b) mainly emotional. Verse lyrics are the ones that are descriptive, describing people, situations, and story lines. Chorus lyrics are the ones that are […]

What to Do About Verse 2

In the process of songwriting, many songwriters actually start with the chorus. That’s because the chorus tends to use shorter, stronger (and simpler) chord progressions, hooky melodies that use repeating ideas, and emotional lyrics. By comparison, the verse can be a bit more of a challenge. You need lyrics that describe people and/or situations, and […]